Thursday, November 21, 2013

computer full forms

Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research
Computer Aided Design
Management Information Systems
Multimedia Information Sources
World Wide Web ( sometimes call W3)
World Wide Wait - slang
Hardware Compatibility List (what hardware works with Windows 95- a text file)
System Management Server
Desk-Top Publishing
Portable Document File
InterNet communication Settings
MODulate / DEModulate
Vines Internet Protocol
Personal Identification Number
Information Technology
Compiled java program- often used as class extension
Infrared Data Association
Enhanced Chip Set
Permanent Virtual Circuits
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Internet Protocol
Personal Computer
Internet Service Provider
User IDentification (internet- intranet- and server login accesses)
Active Server Page
Application Service Provider
Primary Domain Controller
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
Network Interface Card
Power On Password
1 Post Office Protocol (how PCs get email from internet)
2 Point Of Presence (internet and WWW terminology for location of server)
Network Control Center
Business Organizer Scheduling System (one of the original hand-held organizers)
COmmon Business Oriented Language (programming language)
Frequently Asked Questions (files often found on BBS and Internets)
FORmula TRANslation language (programming language)
Motion Picture Experts Group (file extension MPG)
Dots Per Inch (printing resolution or screen resolution)
Distributed Protocol Interface
A Graphics File extension- often used by Corel Draw
Disk Operating System
Integrated Circuit
Application Assessment And Planning package (Lotus migration application)
Point Of Sale (the scanners you see in supermarkets)
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (the beginning of the internet)
Shielded Twisted Pair
Basic Input Output System
Inter-Processes Communications
1 Hard Disk 2 High Density (type of disk format)
Three Dimensional (usually refers to graphics- movies- wallpaper etc created to look as if they are 3 dimensional)
Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection (Ethernet communication)
DOCument (file format extension used by word processors such as MS Word)
A word processing DOCument file extension  Often used by MS Word
1 Personal Computer Interface 
2 Peripheral Component Interconnect
Liquid Crystal Display (often found on laptops)
Relational Data Base Management System
Remote Data Objects
Central Processing Unit
Point to Point Protocol
Internal Device
File Transfer Protocol
Expanded Memory Specification (LIM Lotus / Intel / Microsoft)
Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing
1 Compact Disk (Holds approx630 Mb of info)
2 Change Directory (DOS command) 
3 Carrier Dis-connect (modem talk) 
4 Carrier Detect (modem talk)
Remote Access Server / Service
Compact Disk
Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
Automatic Programming Language
Integrated Services Digital Network (Internet connection: faster than a modem- but slower than a dedicated T-1 or T-10 connection- Allows digital and voice data to share the same line)
Pay per click
Uniform Resource Name (wwwwhoevercom)
Comma Separated Value (usually a text file in this format- can be read by various databases and spreadsheets)
Borland Database Engine
Cyan- Magenta- Yellow- blacK
Optical Character Recognition (scanner terminology for software)
System File Checker (command line program found with Windows XP)
Server Side Includes (web technology that allows for dynamic data exchange in web pages)
GNU C Compiler
Serial Storage Architecture (another communications port setup (like SCSI) that has fast data transfer but requires high demands of DMA channels)
Command Sequence Introducer
CompuServe Inc
Digital Video Disk
External Device 
Premises Distribution System (AT&T cabling standards for networks)
Advanced Data Connector (database caching w/IIS server)
Back up Domain Controller
Text Message
BitMaP file  A type of graphic- file extension
Independent Computing Architecture
Open DataBase Connectivity (2 Components) (Microsofts shared data connections)
Random Access Memory
Test Mode (modem diagnostics)
Unshielded Twisted Pair
DataBase Management System
Double Density (type of disk format - more than single density- less than High Density)

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