Thursday, November 21, 2013

Applying Names

When a cell has already been referred to in a formula, and is then
named, the name will not automatically appear in the formula.
Similarly, if a cell is referred to by its address rather than its name,
the name will not automatically appear. To replace all references
with names, the names must be applied.
Suppose a formula is written to sum cells C7:F7
The formula makes no reference to the range "OLSON", even though this range has been named.
􀂾 To replace cell references with range
i. Click the drop down arrow next to DEFINE NAME
BUTTON on the in the DEFINED NAMES group on the
ii. Select APPLY NAMES.
iii. Click on the name you want, and choose OK.
To apply other names at the same time, use [Ctrl] and click
on the required names. The formula will now show the
range names instead of the cell references.
The Apply Names command works throughout the
spreadsheet, so wherever the cell reference to the name
you chose appeared, the name is now in its place.

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