Friday, August 17, 2012

AutoSummarize a document

  1. Open the Office Word 2007 document that you want to summarize.
  2. In the Quick Access toolbar, click AutoSummary Tools, and then click Auto Summarize. Office Word 2007 summarizes the document.
  3. In the AutoSummarize dialog box, select the way that you would like Office Word 2007 to display the summary:
    1. Highlight key points. Word highlights the key sentences in yellow throughout the document. To remove the highlighting, click the AutoSummary Tools button, and then click Close.
  4. Insert an executive summary or abstract at the top of the document. The key sentences are assembled at the beginning of the document.
  5. Create a new document, and put the summary there. The key sentences are assembled in a new document.
  6. Hide everything but the summary without leaving the original document. Use this option only if you are sure that you do not want to keep the original document. To undo the summarized document and return to the original, click the AutoSummary Tools button, and then click Close.
  7. Click Percent of Original, and select the percentage of the original content (or the number of sentences or words) that you want in the summary.
  8. Select the Update document statistics check box if you want Office Word 2007 to modify document properties.
  9. Click OK, and Office Word 2007 creates the summary you selected.


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