Monday, October 22, 2012

Summative Assessment - Term I 2012 of FIT


                                   Foundation of Information Technology
 Summative Assessment - Term I
(Code No: 165)
Class IX

Max Time: 3 h                                                                  Max Marks: 90



Name the type of printer to be used for printing text and graphics together with high speed but at low cost.                                               
Name the input device used to sense and read thick and black stripes present on the items usually sold at supermarkets.                                
 Mrs. Dixit has bought a new inkjet printer .she has connected it to her computer with the help of a USB cable and has switched the printer on. Now, when she is giving the print command, the printer is not printing, what else is Mrs. Dixit required to do?        
Rohan has setup a new Desktop Publishing business. She feels that she should try out a few software and see their strengths and weaknesses before purchasing them.   Which category of software out of proprietary or shareware will serve her purpose for the trial?
Name the toolbar, which has all the options of changing the font properties.               
Rovit is interested in transferring few Songs from her mobile phone to satyam mobile phone. Suggest two simplest and suitable wireless options she may opt for doing the same.                                                                  
Who built the ENIAC?                                                                
Who is known as the father of computer?
A byte consists of ___________ bits.
What does a machine language code look like?
 Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
 Differentiate between File and Folder.
Which of the following is essentially required for recording and playing back audio in a computer system:     a)  bar code reader                  b) MICR          c)  Microphone and speaker                
 Which device can be used to click and directly save a photo in JPG format? Also mention which port of the computer system is normally used to connect this device.  
Write the  input device and output device names.
Arrange the following memory units in ascending order of their storage capacities.       Kilo Byte , Byte, Tera Byte , Mega Byte, Giga Byte        
Identify which of the following can be categorized as Secondary Memory  devices:   a)  keyboard  b) Printer  c)Hard disk  d) CD Rom   e)   Mouse  f) Plotter   g)  DVD
 Name one specific software/tool for each of the following category:                                   a) Antivirus software   b)    operating system  
Write two advantage of a computer.
Full form of CPS.
How many types of computer language. And write the name.
How many types of computer software. Write the name.
Give the examples of word processing software.
Write any three business software name.
Differentiate between Bluetooth and Infrared (IrD).
Write  the full form--    a) LAN    b) MAN   c) MODEM   d) NIC 
How many types of communication medium.
Name three types of wireless networking technology.
 Give the advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi.
 Short notes --     a)   ICON     b)  RECYCLE BIN


31-48 (18*1=18)

          31. A bank cheque or bank draft generally contains a specially printed number on it.
                 Which of the following technique is used to read the special character?                  1                                        
a)    MICR                                            b) OCR
            c)     OMR                                             d) none                   
           32. The pascline was developed in ___________.                                                       1
                   a)     1742                                            b) 1642
                   c)     1442                                            d) none of these

           33. A _________ is a pointing device that looks like a pen and is connected to the
                   Monitor.                                                                                                        1
                   a)       Microphone                              b) light pen
                   c)       Digital camera                          d) none of these

           34.  _________ and webcams are used for digit image input i.e. video or still         
                   Photo graphs.                                                                                                           1
                   a)    VDU                                             b) digital cameras
                   c)    1442                                             d) none of these

          35. __________ is used to produce high quality graphs, charts, diagrams or visuals.     1
                   a)    1742                                             b) plotter
                   c)     Robot                                         d) none of these

          36. A set of rules for communication computers in the network is called as the ______. 1
                   a)  Internet                                         b) Protocol
                   c)  Network                                         d) none of these

          37. Internet uses the _________ protocol.                                                                  1
                   a)  Imp                                                b) TCP/IP
                   c)  Cps                                                d) none of these

          38. Banking, advertising, buying are all transactions through the web. This is called
                   ______________.                                                                                              1
                    a)  Internet                                         b) e-commerce
                   c)  Network                                         d) none of these

          39. Coaxial cable was invented in _________.                                                             1
                   a)  1742                                               b) 1929
                   c)  1442                                               d) none of these

          40. Twisted pair cables were first used in _____________ systems.                                        1
                   a)  1742                                                b) telephone
                   c)  Mobile                                            d) none of these

          41. Infrared communications span very ________ distances.                                               1
                   a)   Long                                             b) short
                   c)   Medium                                         d) none of these

42. Which of the following is /are GUI based operating system:                                 1
                   a)   MS DOS                                         b) window vista
                   c)   UNIX                                              d) none of these

          43. Antivirus software is an example of:                                                                            1
                   a)   Application                                   b) utility
                   c)   System                                          d) none of these

          44. In a document, virat has to change all occurrences of the word hathras with
                maha Maya nagar .which one of the following option is most appropriate to
                Do the task:                                                                                                      1
                   a)   Copy & paste                                b) find & replace
                   c)   Cut & paste                                   d) none of these

          45.  ________ of the computer worldwide run on windows.                                       1
                   a)     45%                                             b) 85%
                   c)     80%                                             d) none of these

          46.  _____ is basics text editor used to create and edit text files.                              1
                   a)   WordPad                                                b) notepad
                   c)    Paint                                            d) none of these

          47.  Windows _________ are a set of ready made applications each designed for a specific
                   purpose.                                                                                                        1
                   a)   Software                                                 b) accessories
                   c)   Hardware                                      d) none of these

48.   Extension of paint.                                                                                           1
                   a)   .rtf                                               b) .bmp
                   c)   .html                                            d) none of these

          49. Write the short cut keys-                                                                                     2
1.    Find                                               2. Replace   
2.    Undo                                             4.display the start menu

Marking Scheme

Foundation of Information Technology
Sample Summative Assessment - Term I
(Code No: 165)
Class IX

Colour Laser printers are most suitable for uses involving high-speed quality prints at low cost.   1(1 mark for the correct answer)
Barcode Reader   1 (1 mark for the correct answer)

Mrs. dixit needs to install the driver software for the new printer.                                                               1 (1 mark for the correct answer)
Shareware                                                           1 (1 mark for the correct answer)
Formatting toolbar                                      1 (1 mark for the correct answer)

Bluetooth and Infrared         1 (1 mark for the correct answer)
Dr.John Mauchly and J. presper Eckert      1 (1 mark for the correct answer)

Charles Babbage       1 (1 mark for the correct answer)

8 bits          1 (1 mark for the correct answer)

Zero and one  (0,1)   1 (1 mark for the correct answer)

Random Access Memory is volatile temporary memory which can be read and written to whereas the Read Only Memory is permanent memory which can only be read.                                  
2(2 marks for any one correct differentiation point between the two)

     12.      A file is an independent document (text file, executable file, word processor document,          presentation document etc) of a specific type whereas a folder is a placeholder for storing many files of different types and folders.                                                                                                                     2(2 marks for any one correct differentiation point between the two)

     13   . C) Microphone and speaker           2(2 marks for any one correct)
    14. A Digital Camera can be used to click and directly save a photo in JPG format. A USB port/ fire wire    is normally used to connect this device to the computer    system.                                2(1 mark for naming the correct device) + (1 mark for naming the correct port)
   15     input—keyboard, mouse, scanner, Omr   and output – monitor , printer, plotter, speaker.   ( 2 marks)
16.    Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte, Tera Byte    .                                         2
17.    Hard disk, cd Rom, DVD and pen drive                                                            2
18. Antiviruses – Norton, avira    and operating system - Linux and window.             2
19.  Speed and storage capacity                                                                              2
20.  cps  -- charactes per second denotes
21.      two types of language ----   1.  High  level language        2. Low   level language.                4
22. Three types --   1. Application  software    2.  System software   3. Ulility software                  4
23.  word processing software--- ms word , wordpad.                                                         4
24. Three business software name---1. Payroll  2. Financial  accounting     3. Billing system
       4. School management system.                                                                        4
25. Bluetooth –1. Point  to point.  2.  Range 10m. 
     And Infrared (IrD)-  1. Point to point.   2.  Range 1m.                                          4.
26. a) LAN - local area network    b) MAN - metropolitan area network
        c) MODEM - modulator and demodulator     d) NIC -network interface acrd                 4
27. Two types of communication medium---wired media and wireless media            4
28  three types of wireless networking ---  Bluetooth, infrared ,wifi

Adding New Content

1 mark for correct answer.

1 mark for correct answer.
.ods (OR .xls OR .xlsx OR any other correct extension.)

1 mark for correct answer.
Fill Handle.

1 mark for correct answer.

1 mark for correct answer.
Web Developer.

1 mark for correct answer.
It will save her time. (Or any other relevant advantage)

1 mark for correct answer.
=D8/D2*100 (Or any other correct formula)

1 mark for correct answer.
               (i)        Using cursor control keys
             (ii)        Using mouse click

½ mark each for any two correct methods.
Handouts are printouts of slides of a presentation. Usually these slides are small sized versions of the slides printed multiple slides per page.

½ mark each for mentioning ‘small size’ and ‘multiple slides per page’.
(Marks are to be awarded only if complete answer makes sense)
Slide Sorter View.

1 mark correct answer.

1 mark correct answer.

1 mark correct answer.
Handout Master. (Or Handouts Master)

1 mark for correct answer.
Normal View.

1 mark for correct answer.
Plagiarism is the act of copying someone else’s intellectual word, fully or partially, and presenting it as the original work of the copier.

Intellectual property right is the right given to the creator of any intellectual content like book, article, design etc. over the use of his creation.

1 mark for each correct answer.
Follow these steps
1.    Choose Format à Page.
2.    On the Background tab page, select a background color.

1 mark for each correct step.
(Steps should be in the correct sequence)
Writer of the second article has done plagiarism.
To avoid such a situation, the writer of the second article must have taken permission from the copyright holder of the first article and must have mentioned the source of information in his article.

1 mark for the term ‘plagiarism’. 1 mark for steps to avoid such a situation.
Hacking: Unauthorised access to someone’s computer/network/website for malicious purpose is called hacking.
Piracy: Unauthorised duplication of software is called piracy. Piracy also includes use of pirated software.

1 mark for each correct definition.
   (i)        Header and Footer
 (ii)        Macros

1 mark for each correct option.
Ethernet cable.

LAN will be formed as the area covered is limited to a building.

½ mark for correct cable type.
½ mark for LAN and 1 mark for justification.
·         Data encryption and Password protection for ensuring security of information
·      Backing up data regularly for maintaining data integrity

1 mark for each correct option.
Linking and Embedding are the two ways.
After embedding, any change on the chart in the spreadsheet will not have any effect on the presentation. After Linking, any change on the chart in the spreadsheet will be reflected in the presentation also.

1 mark for mentioning Linking and Embedding.
1 mark for clearly stating difference between Linking and Embedding.
Margaret Baxter has written a letter which she wants to send to 4 banks.
(i)           Mail Merge
(ii)         Main Document and Data Source
(iii)       Placeholders/Mergefields in the above document are:
<title>, <surname>, <Address line>, <account_no>
(iv)        Review

1 mark for mentioning Mail Merge.
½ mark each for mentioning Main Document and Data Source.
½ mark for each placeholder.
1 mark for mentioning ‘Review’.
(i)      Chart Title: This is the title of the chart which is used to give an idea about what the chart represents.
(ii)    Axes Titles: These are the titles given to the axes of the chart.
(iii)  Chart Area: This is the area of a chart including all its components like titles and legends etc.
(iv)   Data Series: This is the set of values for which the chart is plotted.
(v)     Legend: Legend is a small component of the chart which tells the meaning of different bards/columns/lines/points of a chart.

1 mark for each any 5 correct components of a chart.
               (i)        44
             (ii)        40
           (iii)        $B$3 + D3
            (iv)        $B3 + D3
              (v)        $B4 + D$3

1 mark for each correct answer.
i)             Insert the picture by following the command Insert à Picture à From File and then choosing the appropriate file.
ii)           Add the name of the company in the master slide.
iii)         Insert the movie clip by following the command Insert à Movie and Sound and choose the appropriate movie clip.
iv)          In the 4th slide she can insert hyperlink to the 9th slide.
v)            By inserting page number in the footer.

1 mark for each correct answer.
   (i)        Insert the formula =(B2+C2)*25% in the cell D2 and copy it in the cells D3 to D8.
1 mark for each correct formula. 1 Mark for mentioning formula copy.
 (ii)        Insert the formula =SUM(B2:E2) in the cell F2 and copy it in the cells F3 to F8.

1 mark for each correct formula. 1 Mark for mentioning formula copy.

(iii)        Insert the formula =MAX(F2:F8) in the cell F9.
(iv)        Insert the formula =COUNT(B2:B8) in the cell B10.
  (v)        Insert the formula =COUNTIF(F2:F8;”<=75000”) in the cell F10.
(vi)        Autofill
(vii)        Column Chart (Or Bar Chart)
(viii)        No. A spreadsheet package automatically recalculates the formulae whenever there is any change in the spreadsheet data.

1 mark for each correct answer from (iii) to (viii).

40.     a)
41.     b)
42.     d)
43.     b)
44.     c)
45.     a)
46.     b)
47.     c)
48.     b)
49.     b)
50.     c)
51.     c)
52.     a)
53.     b)
54.     c) or d)
55.     a)
56.     d)
57.     c)

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