Monday, May 20, 2013


Foundation of Information Technology
Class- IXth

Part –A- Fill in the blanks -                                                                                                                                     10*1=10
2- All the slides
3-slide sorter
4-normal view
8-copy and paste
9-cut and paste

Part- B- Complete the Sentences -                                                                                                                            10*1=10
        1- Change case, paragraphs, bulleted list
2- Margins
3- Left justified, right justified, centered, justified
4- Worksheet
5- Book1, book2.
6- Sheet1, sheet2
7- Auto fills Feature.
8- Numbers, text, formulas
9- Auto sum
       10- Splitting of cell

Part-C -Short answer type question--                                                                                                                   10*3=30
1-            There are three types of indents that ms word supports –
1-First line indents
2 Hanging indent
3 Negative indents

2-            components of an ms- excel window
     1- Title bar 2- menu bar 3-formula bar  4- toolbar 5- worksheet  6- status bar
3-            SPREADSHEET- A Spreadsheet is a computer application that consists of multiple
                                                Cells organized in form of rows and columns. It has the ability to perform                                                              simple as well as complex calculations.
  4-   Combining two or more cells in the same row and column into a single cell is                                                      called merging. Breaking up of a single cell in a table into multiple cells is called                                                   splitting of cells.
1- Select the cell horizontally or vertically.
2- Click on merge cell from the table menu.

     5-   AUTOSHAPES- Auto Shapes are group of readymade shapes that includes basic                                      shapes, such as rectangles and circles, plus a variety of line and connectors, block                                       arrows, flow chart, star and banners, and callout.
            1- General.        2- Number     3-Currency and accounting
            4-Accounting      5- Date and time 6-Percentage
            7- Fractions        8- Scientific
            9-Text            10- Special
     7-    ALIGNMENT- Alignment is adjusting the text to fit with respect to margins.The                                      alignment available are-
A)Left alignment.
B)Right alignment
D) Justified
    8-    TEXT STYLE-
D)Bold and italic
E)Bold, italic and underline


   9-    PRESENTATION SOFTWARE- A business software that enables us to create                                                     concise, stylish, and clear images for presentations and reports are called as                                                            presentation software.


   10-  cells- each individual box in the grid of a spreadsheet is called a cell.
     Cell address- every cell has a unique cell address specified by the column and row                                                                       number of the cell with which the contents are identified with.
    Cell pointer. A cursor in excel is called cell pointer because it always points to a cell.

Part- D -Differentiate between-                                                                                                                                   5*2=10
           Worksheet -- A workbook is made of a many worksheet by default named as sheet1,
Sheet2 etc.
2- Splitting and Merging of cell a table-- combining two or more cells in the same row or
Column of a table into a single cell is called merging.
Breaking up of a single Cell in a table into multiple cells is called splitting of cells.

3- Super script : It is called superscript , when some characters are written on a slightly                                                         higher level than normal text as seen in mathematical formula for                                example :- (X+Y)2 = X2 + Y2 + 2XY
         Subscript: It is a called subscript, when some character is written on a slightly lower level                          than text. This is normally seen in Chemical Formula. For Example Na2SO4, CaCl2

4- Print layout -- the print layout view shows the document as it will look when it as printed.
Reading layout- reading layout view displays the screen in such a way as to make reading the document more comfortable.
5- Header --A header is a section of the document that appears on the top margin area. It can   consist of text or graphics.
  Footer-- footer appears at the bottom of every page generally in the bottom margin.

Part- E -Name the menu in which the following sub menus found -                                                  5*1=5
       1-Insert menu

Part- F -Long Answer Type Question-                                                                                                                       5*4=20
      1- There are five types of document view buttons --
         I) normal view   
         II) Web layout
         Iii) Print layout
         Iv) Reading layout
         V) Outline view
         Scroll is two types--
            1-Horizontal and    2- vertical scroll bar

      2- C1 = a1+ b1*2= 20+3*2 =46
      3- There are many types of chart -
         1- Column charts    2- bar charts   3- line charts   4- pie charts   5- XY scatter chart
         6- Area chart     7- doughnut chart    8-surface chart  9- bubble chart
        10-   Cylinder chart
     4- Components of a chart--
        1-Chart area             2- chart title                                          3-grid lines
         4-Plot area                                              5-area title
 6-X-axis                            7-axes title          
8-Y- axis                              9-legends
10-Data series                       11-data labels

5- Features of excel--
  1- Auto complete                                 2- auto correct                         3- selecting or filling ranges
  4- Check spelling                    5- apply formulae on a range  
  6- Creating charts                                           7- worksheet linking     8- what - if analysis
  9- New features- smart document, list features, tablet pc support

Part- G- Multiple choice Type Questions (Tick the correct option)                                    10*1=1

       1- A) start menu
       2- B) 3
           3- D) title bar
       4- A) chart wizard
       5- B) function
       6- A) equal sign (=)
       7- A) cell pointer
       8-C) .xlsx
       9-C) columns
     10- D) all of these